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(珠海科技学院 计算机学院,广东 珠海 519041)

摘  要:使用 SSM 框架结合跨平台开发 uni-app 框架,设计并实现了社区居民心理健康服务平台。平台采用前后端分离的开发方式,管理员服务端模块围绕个人中心管理、功能管理、系统管理进行开发,小程序客户端模块围绕心理测评、在线咨询等功能进行开发。该服务平台有助于心理健康工作者把握社会心理服务的工作方向,以及增强对社区居民心理和行为规律的科学认识,同时社区居民能够更便捷地接触到心理健康知识和服务,促进自身心理健康发展。

关键词:心理健康;MySQL;SSM 框架;uni-app;数据库



中图分类号:TP311                                    文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0001-06

Design and Implementation of Mental Health Service Platform for Community Residents

FANG Qinyue, LIANG Yanchun

(School of Computer Science, Zhuhai College of Science and Technology, Zhuhai 519041, China)

Abstract: This paper designs and implements a mental Health service platform for community residents by using SSM framework and cross platform framework uni-app. The platform adopts the development mode of separating the front and back ends. The administrator server module is developed around personal center management, function management and system management. The applet client module is developed around the functions of psychological test and online consultation. The service platform helps mental health workers grasp the work direction of social psychological services and enhance the scientific understanding of the psychological and behavioral laws of community residents. At the same time, community residents can have more convenient access to mental health knowledge and services, and promote their own mental health development.

Keywords: mental health; MySQL; SSM framework; uni-app; database


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