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基于Matlab 三维仿真的沙丁鱼群逃逸规律探究
(重庆邮电大学,重庆 400065)

摘  要:为探究沙丁鱼群逃逸的运动规律,本文针对沙丁鱼群逃逸的过程,依据群体中个体相互影响而形成的个体的反应规则,分别建立了鱼群的初始聚集模型、鱼群移动模型以及最终的鱼群逃逸模型,得到个体速度和位置随时间的变化规律。根据个体在群体中的运动规律,对沙丁鱼从个体到发展成为群落,再遇上海豚并成功逃逸展开了一系列的计算机三维动态模拟,生动形象地呈现了鱼群逃逸的运动规律。


中图分类号:TP391         文献标识码A        文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0005-04

Study on the Escaping Rule of Sardine Group Based on Matlab Three-dimensional Simulation
(Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China)

Abstract:In order to investigate the escape rule of sardine group,this paper aims at the escape process of sardine group,according to the individual reaction rules formed by individuals interacting with each other in groups,the initial aggregation model,the fish movement model and the fish escape model are established for the process of sardine group escape. The regularity of individualvelocity and position changing with time is established. Then the movement law of the individual in the group is applied to launch a seriesof computer three-dimensional dynamic simulation in which the sardines develop into a group and escape successfully after encounteringthe dolphins. The last simulation result vividly shows the movement of fish escapetrace.

Keywords:escape model;rule of reaction;computer simulation;3D dynamic simulation


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