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(江苏大学 计算机科学与通信工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013)

摘  要:为了改善使用智能手机拍摄的文档图像的质量以提高可读性,对各类边缘保持的图像算法进行了研究,并应用迭代最小二乘法平滑与 L0 平滑解决印刷纸张本身粗糙导致的噪点问题。提出了基于图论的歪斜文本校正方法,将文本图像构建出点连通域、字连通域、行连通域各级结构,实现对每个文字位置进行重定位,以解决文字排布歪斜、不平整的问题。



基金项目:江苏大学 2021 年批次大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202110299026Z)

中图分类号:TP391.4                                     文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0014-06

Preprocessing System of Shooting Documents Based on Smart Phone

DONG Yichen, ZHANG Yanyan, ZHAO Pengfei

(School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China)

Abstract: To improve the quality of the document images captured by smart phone to make images readable, various types of edge-preserving image algorithms are studied, and Iterative Least Squares smoothing and L0 smoothing are applied to deal with the noise problems caused by the roughness of printing paper itself. A skew text correction method based on graph theory is proposed. The text image is constructed into point connected domain, word connected domain and line connected domain, and the position of each text is relocated to solve the problem of skew and uneven text layout.

Keywords: Iterative Least Squares; text image smoothing; text positioning; connected domain; text image correction


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