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基于 Flutter 的记录情绪日记 APP 软件设计与实现
(南华大学,湖南 衡阳 421001)

摘  要:在这个高压的时代,每个人有过烦恼焦虑的历程。当一个人在奋斗的过程中面临压力却无法诉说释放时,他的压力将对他的身心造成极大的伤害。因此设计并开发了一款基于Flutter UI框架的记录情绪日记APP软件,帮助人们分担化解忧虑,同时也能够分享快乐。采用 Flutter UI 框架可以更方便适配各种系统平台,更好更容易地展示出 Flare 动画效果,更有利于用户释放压力。

关键词:Flutter;情绪日记;APP 软件;MVVM


中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0025-04

Design and Implementation of Recording Emotion Diary APP Software Based on Flutter

CHEN Jiale, DONG Xuelian, TAN Jingyuan, FANG Huihui

(University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China)

Abstract: In this era of high pressure, everyone has experienced troubles and anxiety. When a person faces pressure in the process of struggle and is unable to tell and express his release, his pressure will cause great harm to his body and mind. Therefore, this paper designs and develops a recording emotion diary APP software based on the Flutter UI framework to help people share and resolve worries, and share happiness at the same time. Using the Flutter UI framework can more easily adapt to various system platforms, display Flare animation effects better and more easily, and it is more conducive for users to release pressure.

Keywords: Flutter; emotion diary; APP software; MVVM 


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