摘 要:高校教职工俱乐部管理是工会重要的工作。由于俱乐部数量多、人数多、活动多,给工会管理工作带来很大挑战。通过访谈和问卷调查进行分析发现,传统高校教职工俱乐部管理存在掌握会员信息难、活动签到繁杂、俱乐部绩效统计困难等问题。设计研究高校教职工俱乐部数智管理平台,可使教职工俱乐部管理工作更加规范化、科学化,积极推动各项工作的开展。
课题项目:2021 年浙江省教代会工会研究课题(ZJJYGHYB2021020)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0032-04
Design and Research of Digital Intelligence Management Platform for Colleges and University Staff Club
JIANG Wangxi
(Information Center, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)
Abstract: Colleges and university staff club management is an important work of the trade union. Due to the large number of clubs, people, activities, it brings great challenges for the trade union management work. Through interviews and questionnaire surveys, this paper analyzes and finds that there are problems existing in the management of staff clubs in traditional colleges and universities, such as difficulty in mastering members’ information, complexity of activity sign-in and difficulty in club performance statistics and so on. Designing and studying the digital intelligence management platform of colleges and universities staff club, makes the management work of staff club more standardized and scientific, and promotes actively the development of various works.
Keywords: staff club; QR code; activity management; MVC; face recognition
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