摘 要:为鼓励二手图书的循环利用,增强大学生的环保意识,利用线上加线下相结合的模式,力求构建一个面向校内大学生的二手书交易平台。选择 Visual Studio Code 软件作为网站基本制作工具,使用 HTML、Css 和 JavaScript 完成网页布局,并采用数据库、Vue.js 及 ElementUI 等相关技术,实现了用户的在线注册、二手书籍浏览、分类、查询、购买等功能,最终以网站的形式达到二手书交易的目的。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0035-04
Design and Production of Campus Second-hand Book Trading Website
ZHANG Weiwei, XI Wenhao
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)
Abstract: In order to encourage the recycling of second-hand books and enhance the environmental protection awareness of college students, the mode of combining online and offline is used to build a second-hand book trading platform for college students. Select Visual Studio Code software as the basic website production tool, use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to complete the webpage layout, and use database, Vue JS, ElementUI and other related technologies to realize the functions of online registration, second-hand book browsing, classification, query and purchase, and finally achieve the purpose of second-hand book trading in the form of a website.
Keywords: campus second-hand book; trading platform; website design
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