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基于 B/S 结构的中职学校学生管理信息系统的设计
(安徽亳州新能源学校,安徽 亳州 236712)

摘  要:信息技术的不断发展推动了学生信息管理系统的发展。中职学校学生信息管理系统建设可使中职学校学生信息管理工作实现自动化,提高学生管理工作的效率。文章对基于 B/S 的服务器工作模式进行分析,介绍了基于 B/S 结构的中职学校学生管理信息系统的性能需求与功能需求,对基于 B/S 架构的中职学校学生管理信息系统的设计进行详细论述,由此为设计中职学校的学生管理信息系统提供借鉴。

关键词:B/S 结构;学生管理信息系统;设计


中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0036-04

Design of Secondary Vocational School Student Management Information System Based on B/S Structure

CHU Baolong

(Anhui Bozhou New Energy School, Bozhou 236712, China)

Abstract: The continuous development of information technology has promoted the development of student information management system. Secondary vocational school student information management system construction could achieve automation of the secondary vocational school student information management work, and improve the efficiency of student management work. This paper analyzes the server working mode based on B/S, introduces the performance requirements and functional requirements of secondary vocational school students management information system based on B/S structure, expounds the design of secondary vocational school students management information system based on the B/S structure, so as to provide reference for designing the students management information system of secondary vocational school.

Keywords: B/S structure; student management information system; design


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