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(嘉兴职业技术学院,浙江 嘉兴 314036)

摘  要:传统农产品溯源系统中心化管理模式存在系统容易受到攻击、数据容易被篡改等问题。通过对传统农产品溯源状态与问题进行分析,结合区块链去中心化、分布式存储、安全性高以及以太坊可编程特性,文章设计并实现一种基于以太坊的农产品溯源系统。探讨了基于以太坊的农产品溯源系统设计与实现,阐述了需求分析、关键技术、架构设计、智能合约设计和功能实现等内容。该系统能够对农产品进行可信溯源以确保农产品供应安全。




中图分类号:TP311                                                文献标识码:A                            文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0044-04

Design and Implementation of Agricultural Product Traceability System Based on Ethereum Technology

LAN Jianping

(Jiaxing Vocational & Technical College, Jiaxing 314036, China)

Abstract: The centralized management mode of traditional agricultural product traceability system has problems such as the system is vulnerable to attacks and data is easily tampered. By analyzing the state and problems of traditional agricultural product traceability, and combining the decentralization, distributed storage, high security of blockchain and programmable features of Ethereum, this paper designs and implements an agricultural product traceability system based on Ethereum, discusses the design and implementation of an agricultural product traceability system based on Ethereum, and describes the requirement analysis, key technologies, architecture design, smart contract design and function implementation and other content. The system provides trusted traceability for agricultural products to ensure the safety of agricultural supply.

Keywords: agriculture product; traceability system; Ethereum; smart contract


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