摘 要:赣西傩资源是非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,对其进行数字化保护是发展趋势。在对赣西傩资源采集和处理的基础上,以地理标识为主线,采用 SSM 框架和 Vue 框架相结合,建设基于 B/S 的傩数字化系统,具有 J2EE 三层结构优势,可有效实现系统前端和后端分离,具备可用性强、易于升级、安全性高的特点,实现了赣西傩资源的展示和共享。
关键词:傩资源;数字化;共享;SSM 框架;Vue
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0034-04
Design and Implementation of Nuo Resources Digital System in West Jiangxi Based on SSM+Vue
YANG Zhangwei 1, XIAO Yiqi 2
(1.Pingxiang University, Pingxiang 337055, China; 2.China Agricultural University, Beijing 100091, China)
Abstract: Nuo resource in West Jiangxi is an important part of intangible cultural heritage, and its digital protection is the development trend. On the basis of the collection and processing of Nuo resources in West Jiangxi, the digital Nuo system based on B/ S is built by taking geographical indications as the main line, using the combination of SSM framework and Vue framework. Which has the advantages of J2EE three-tier structure, can effectively separate the front end and back end of the system, and has the characteristics of strong usability, easy upgrade, and high security. It realizes the display and sharing of Nuo resources in West Jiangxi.
Keywords: Nuo resources; digitization; sharing; SSM framework; Vue
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