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智慧景区导览 APP 的设计与实现
(蚌埠学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030)

摘  要:疫情影响下旅游业发展受阻,为了在特殊时期提升旅游活力,提高景区管理效率,文章将 AR 技术应用到景区管理工作之中,基于对著名景区和旅客喜好的调研,设计一款可以实现个性化服务,提升用户游览体验的智慧景区导览 APP。基于云平台和 GPS 服务开发了景区导览系统框架,实现了实时定位、SOS 报警、景点查询、全景展示、行程规划、智能解说、一路同行等功能,保障游客对景点的全方位游览,增强游客的沉浸式体验。

关键词:智慧景区导览 APP;AR 技术;GPS 定位;云服务



中图分类号:TP399                                             文献标识码:                                 A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0035-04

Design and Implementation of Smart Scenic Spot Guide APP

ZHU Yicheng, ZHOU Lei, WU Jun, XING Min, LI Zhihao

(Bengbu University, Bengbu 233030, China)

Abstract: Under the influence of the epidemic situation, the development of tourism industry is hindered. In order to enhance the tourism vitality and improve the management efficiency of scenic spots in special period, this paper applies AR technology to the management of scenic spots. Based on the research on famous scenic spots and tourists’ preferences, it designs a smart scenic spot guide APP that can realize personalized services and improve the user experience. Based on the cloud platform and GPS service, the framework of the scenic spot guide APP has been developed, which realizes the functions of real-time positioning, SOS alarm, scenic spot query, panoramic display, travel planning, intelligent interpretation, and traveling together all the way, so as to ensure that tourists can visit the scenic spots in an all-round way and enhance their immersive experience.

Keywords: smart scenic spot guide APP; AR technology; GPS positioning; cloud service


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