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基于 Construct 3 的益智类游戏设计与开发 ——以垃圾分类为例
(1. 广州华商学院,广东 广州 511300;2. 广东职业技术学院,广东 佛山 528041)

摘  要:借助 Construct 3 H5 游戏开发引擎,利用可视化的事件编程与场景制作方式,从框架设计、场景制作与界面交互设计三个方面进行了益智游戏垃圾分类 PC、网页、移动端的设计与实现。玩家对随机生成的垃圾进行分类,并放置到指定的垃圾桶中,从而阻止垃圾飞到界面外而污染环境;让玩家在游戏中树立正确的环保意识,掌握垃圾分类的方法。测试结果表明,游戏可在 PC、网页和移动端流畅运行;垃圾随机生成、点击拖拽、分类、重玩、关卡等功能良好;玩家生命值、环保积分、倒计时等全局变量参数正常。同时,呼吁研究者与开发者加强电子游戏的教育功能和社会责任。

关键词:Construct 3;益智游戏;垃圾分类


基金项目:广州华商学院 2022 年校级“质量工程”项目(HS2022ZLGC52);广州华商学院 2022 年度青年学术项目(2022HSXS002)

中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0012-05

Design and Development of Puzzle Games Based on Construct 3—Take Garbage Classification as an Example

LIU Shulin1, YANG Yanyu2

(1.Guangzhou Huashang College, Guangzhou 511300, China; 2.Guangdong Polytechnic, Foshan 528041, China)

Abstract: With the help of Construct 3 H5 game development engine, the design and implementation of puzzle game garbage classification PC, webpage and mobile terminal are carried out from three aspects of framework design, scene production and interface interaction design by using visual event programming and scene production methods. Players classify randomly generated garbage and place it in a designated trash can to prevent it from flying out of the interface and polluting the environment; let players establish correct environmental awareness in the game and master the method of garbage classification. The test results show that the game can run smoothly on PC, webpage and mobile terminals; random garbage generation, click and drag, classification, replay, level and other functions are good; the player's HP, environmental protection points, countdown and other global variable parameters are normal. At the same time, researchers and developers are urged to strengthen the educational function and social responsibility of electronic games.

Keywords: Construct 3; puzzle game; garbage classification


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