摘 要:随着经济的发展,我国车辆数量逐年增加,交通事故也更加频繁发生,根据近年来的交通事故统计,其中 21% 是由疲劳驾驶造成。因此,对驾驶者进行实时疲劳度监测显得尤为重要。当前检测疲劳驾驶的方法主要分为通过医疗器械来对人体生理特征的监测,通过传感器对车辆运行状态的监测以及通过机器视觉对驾驶者面部特征进行监测三种方法,他们各有优缺点,但机器视觉的实时性是最高的,因此本系统采用机器视觉的方式进行检测。
中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0021-04
Design of Fatigue Driving Early Warning System Based on Machine Vision
WU Liang
(China Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210014, China)
Abstract: With the development of economy, the number of vehicles in China is increasing year by year, and traffic accidents also occur more frequently. According to the traffic accident statistics in recent years, 21% of them are caused by fatigue driving. Therefore, it is particularly important to conduct real-time fatigue monitoring of drivers. The current detection fatigue driving method is mainly divided into three methods, such as monitoring the human physiological characteristics through medical devices, monitoring the vehicle running state through the sensor and monitoring the driver facial features through the machine vision. They have advantages and disadvantages severally, but the real-time performance of machine vision is the highest, so the system uses the way of machine vision to dectect.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi; fatigue detection; machine vision; OpenCV
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