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(江苏省泰兴中等专业学校,江苏 泰州 225400)

摘  要:基于微信小程序的题库应用使用起来方便快捷,是题库应用开发方向的不二之选。单选题题库的开发是其他类型题库开发的基础,文章以单选题题库的基本功能分析为基础,从后台数据搭建、前端界面开发及后端程序设计等方面进行了系统性的阐述,并对各开发阶段的技术难点问题进行解析,构建了涵盖题目展示、答案选择、评价反馈、错题查看、进度提醒的单选题题库开发案例,供开发者学习参考之用。



中图分类号:TP311                                     文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0036-04

Development of Single Choice Question Bank Based on WeChat Applet

MA Haiyan

(Jiangsu Taixing Secondary Specialized School, Taizhou 225400, China)

Abstract: The question bank application based on WeChat applet is convenient and fast to use, and is the best choice for the development direction of question bank application. The development of the single choice question bank is the basis for the development of other types of question banks. Based on the analysis of the basic functions of the single choice question bank, this paper systematically expounds the background data building, front-end interface development and back-end program design, analyzes the technical difficulties in each development stage, and constructs a single choice question bank development case covering topic display, answer selection, evaluation feedback, wrong question viewing, and progress reminder, for developers to learn from.

Keywords: WeChat applet; single choice question; question bank; program interaction design


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