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基于“剪枝 + 并行”FP-Growth 算法的密切接触 人员快速追踪技术的研究
(潍坊职业学院,山东 潍坊 261041)

摘  要:利用“剪枝+并行”式FP-Growth优化算法,通过提升计算精度和速度的方式对疫情发生地区确诊患者的密接人员、次密接人员和同时空关联人员实行快速精准的排查。与传统的 FP-Growth 算法相比,“剪枝 + 并行”式 FP-Growth 算法的计算性能得到显著提升。通过对某地区测试者 7 天内行迹及相关联人员信息进行时间和准确方面的测试比较发现,计算时长缩短了近 30%,准确率由 82% 提升至 91%。实验表明,利用优化后的 FP-Growth 算法能够较好地满足疫情发生地区快速精准确定相关联人员的要求。

关键词:FP-Growth 算法;关联性;快速精准


中图分类号:TP311.1                                   文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0034-05

Research on Fast Tracking Technology of Close Contacts Based on “Pruning + Parallel” FP-Growth Algorithm

LIU Cong

(Weifang Vocational College, Weifang 261041, China)

Abstract: The “pruning + parallel” FP-Growth optimization algorithm is used to quickly and accurately check the close contact personnel, sub close contact personnel and simultaneous air contact personnel of the confirmed patients in the epidemic area by the ways of improving the calculation accuracy and speed. Compared with the traditional FP-Growth algorithm, the computational performance of the “pruning + parallel” FP-Growth algorithm has been significantly improved. Through testing and comparing the time and accuracy of testers' tracks and related personnel information within 7 days in a certain area, it is found that the calculation time is shortened by nearly 30%, and the accuracy rate is improved from 82% to 91%. The experiment shows that the optimized FP-Growth algorithm can better meet the requirements of quickly and accurately determining the relevant personnel in the epidemic area.

Keywords: FP-Growth algorithm; relevance; fast and accurate


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