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(东北财经大学,辽宁 大连 116025)

摘  要:随着高校学生人数的不断增加,校外兼职教师已成为各高校师资队伍的重要组成部分。为此开发一款基于校园一卡通的外聘教师管理系统,该系统以 HTML5+CSS3+JS+PHP 为开发语言,将 MySQL 作为存储数据库,可在信息化校园框架内,通过读取校园一卡通等信息实现外聘教师的专业化、系统化管理。文章从系统分析、系统设计、建设成果三个方面进行介绍,详述了外聘教师管理系统的建设过程。系统经过多次测试调整后运行稳定,实际应用中较为方便、高效,提升了服务质量。



中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0006-04

Construction of External Teacher Management System Based on Campus All-in-one Card

LI Guanghong

(Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)

Abstract: With the increasing number of college students, part-time teachers outside colleges have become an important part of teachers team in colleges. To this end, an external teacher management system based on campus all-in-one card is developed. The system uses HTML5+CSS3+JS+PHP as the development language and MySQL as the storage database. It can realize the professional and systematic management of external teachers by reading the information such as campus all-in-one card in the framework of informatization campus. This paper introduces the system analysis, system design and construction achievements, and details the construction process of the external teacher management system. After many tests and adjustments, the system runs stably, it is more convenient and efficient in practical application, and improves the service quality.

Keywords: multimedia teaching; teacher management system; external teacher


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