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(甘肃农业大学,甘肃 兰州 730070)

摘  要:近年来,如何从大量信息中提取关键信息已成为一个急需解决的问题。针对中文专利长文档,提出一种结合Word2Vec 和 TextRank 的专利生成算法。首先利用 Python Jieba 技术对中文专利文档进行分词,利用停用词典去除无意义的词;其次利用 Word2Vec 算法进行特征提取,并利用 WordCloud 对提取的关键词进行可视化展示;最后利用 TextRank 算法计算语句间的相似度,生成摘要候选句,根据候选句的权重生成该专利文档的摘要信息。实验表明,采用 Word2Vec 和 TextRank 生成的专利摘要质量高,概括性也强。

关键词:Jieba 分词;关键词提取;Word2Vec 算法;TextRank 算法



中图分类号:TP391.1                                         文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0036-04

Research on Abstract Automatic Generation of Long Document Based on the Word2Vec + TextRank Algorithm

ZHU Yuting, LIU Le, XIN Xiaole, CHEN Longhui, KANG Lianghe

(Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

Abstract: In recent years, how to extract critical information from large amounts of information has become a problem which needs to be solved urgently. For Chinese patent long documents, a patent generation algorithm combining Word2Vec and TextRank is proposed. Firstly, Python Jieba technology is used to segment words in Chinese patent documents, and meaningless words are removed by using the stop dictionary. Secondly, the Word2Vec algorithm is used for feature extraction, and the extracted keywords are visually displayed by WordCloud. Finally, the TextRank algorithm is used to calculate the similarity between sentences, generate abstract candidate sentences, and generate abstract information of the patent documents according to the weight of candidate sentences. Experiments show that patent abstracts generated by Word2Vec and TextRank are of high quality and have strong generalization.

Keywords: Jieba word segmentation; keyword extraction; Word2Vec algorithm; TextRank algorithm


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