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基于 PHP+MySQL 的视频上传与删除功能实现
(河源职业技术学院 电子与信息工程学院,广东 河源 517000)

摘  要:PHP 是主流且开源免费的 Web 开发语言,文章基于 PHP 语言和 MySQL 数据库、以 Zend Studio 为平台制作了一个简单的视频网站,主要实现了视频上传和删除功能,文章对制作过程和实现源代码做了详细且完整的记录,上传的视频数据会保存在 MySQL 数据库中,视频资源也会保存到服务器指定目录下,删除视频 / 视频下架时为了释放服务器存储空间,实现了在数据库和服务器目录下的同时删除。



中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0021-04

Implementation of Video Uploading and Deleting Function Based on PHP+MySQL

CHEN Zhaoyun

(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Heyuan Polytechnic, Heyuan 517000, China)

Abstract: PHP is a mainstream, open source and free Web development language. Based on PHP language and MySQL database,  this paper uses Zend Studio as the platform to make a simple video website, which mainly realizes the functions of uploading and deleting videos. This paper makes a detailed and complete record of the production process and implementation source code. The uploaded video data is stored in the MySQL database, and the video resources are also stored in the specified directory of the server. In order to release the storage space of the server when deleting video, it is implemented to delete it in the database and the server directory at the same time.

Keywords: PHP; MySQL; video uploading; video deleting


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作者简介:陈赵云(1982.05—),男,汉族,江西丰城人,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:物联网技术应用、Web 系统开发。