摘 要:针对自然灾害重点隐患综合评估工作效率低下的问题,以自然灾害多灾种重点隐患评估模型为核心,应用 WebGIS技术,设计并开发了 B/S 应用模式的自然灾害重点隐患综合评估系统,并将其应用到试点区的重点隐患综合评估工作之中。该系统可以实现地震灾害、地质灾害、洪水灾害等六大灾种基础调查评估数据的集成管理,完成单灾种隐患指数、等级计算以及多灾种分区分类分级评估,同时可在线对评估成果进行渲染展示和自动出图,提高了自然灾害重点隐患综合评估工作的效率,能够满足区域自然灾害重点隐患综合评估工作的应用需求。
中图分类号:TP319;X43 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0037-05
Establishment of Key Hidden Danger Comprehensive Assessment System for Natural Disasters Based on WebGIS
LI Shanfei, QU Shuai
(POWERCHINA Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited, Beijing 100024, China)
Abstract: In view of the low efficiency of the comprehensive assessment of key hidden dangers of natural disasters, taking the assessment model of key hidden dangers of multiple natural disasters as the core, and applying WebGIS technology, a comprehensive assessment system of key hidden dangers of natural disasters based on B/S application mode is designed and developed, and it is applied to the comprehensive assessment of key hidden dangers in the pilot area. The system can realize the integrated management of the basic survey and evaluation data of six major disasters, such as earthquake disaster, geological disaster and flood disaster, complete the hidden danger index and grade calculation of single hazard, and the classification and grading evaluation of multiple hazards. At the same time, the evaluation results can be rendered and displayed online and automatically plotted, which improves the efficiency of the comprehensive evaluation of key hidden danger of natural disasters, it can meet the application requirements of the comprehensive assessment of key hidden dangers of regional natural disasters.
Keywords: natural disaster; key hidden danger assessment; WebGIS
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