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基于文本挖掘和情感分析方法的“智慧旅游”服务 质量感知研究
郭佳怡 1 ,方博平 1 ,陆欣怡 1 ,王妮 1 ,宋涛 1,2
(1. 湖州师范学院理学院,浙江 湖州 313000;2. 湖州市数据建模与分析重点实验室,浙江 湖州 313000)

摘  要:智慧旅游是推动智慧城市发展的重要手段。随着网络评论在旅游生态中的地位显著提升,如何通过网评文本反映游客的消费体验、服务质量反馈与情感诉求,吸引游客消费、取得竞争优势,成为景区管理人员与主管部门的一项重要工作。基于文本挖掘和情感分析方法,选取景区和酒店网评文本,识别旅游景点现状的问题和痛点,设计科学、客观的综合评价体系,为景区与酒店等相关经营者、文旅部门做出更优决策提供理论支撑和数据支持。

关键词:智慧旅游;情感分析;TF-IDF 算法;DBSCAN 聚类;LDA 主题模型



中图分类号:TP391;O235                               文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0001-06

Research on Service Quality Perception of “Smart Tourism” Based on Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis Methods

GUO Jiayi 1, FANG Boping1, LU Xinyi 1, WANG Ni 1, SONG Tao1,2

(1.School of Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China; 2.Huzhou Key Laboratory of Data Modeling and Analysis, Huzhou 313000, China)

Abstract: Smart tourism is an important means to promote the development of the smart city. With the significant promotion of online comments in the tourism ecology, how to reflect tourists' consumption experience, service quality feedback and emotional demands through online comments text, so as to attract tourists' consumption and gain competitive advantages, has become an important task for scenic spot managers and competent departments. Based on text mining and sentiment analysis methods, the online comments text of scenic spots and hotels are selected to identify the problems and pain points of the current situation of tourist attractions, and a scientific and objective comprehensive evaluation system is designed to provide theoretical and data support for the scenic spots, hotels and other related operators and cultural tourism departments to make better decisions.

Keywords: smart tourism; sentiment analysis; TF-IDF algorithm; DBSCAN clustering; LDA theme model


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