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(无锡学院,江苏 无锡 214105)

摘  要:智能安全驾驶监测系统基于酒后驾驶监测模块、驾驶员行为状态监控模块、智能可穿戴模块和服务器端来实现系统的功能。酒后驾驶监测模块基于 MQ-3 型气敏传感器收集车内气体酒精浓度信息;驾驶员行为状态监控模块基于 Dlib 人脸识别和 OpenCV 计算机视觉实时计算驾驶员注意力集中程度;智能可穿戴模块基于各种内嵌式传感器芯片收集驾驶员的心率血压和体温等指标;服务器端基于阿里云 ECS 服务器,使用 JAVA 语言编程,为移动端 APP 提供优质的后台服务。



中图分类号:TP277                                        文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0013-05

An Intelligent and Safe Driving Monitoring System 

LI Fu, FU Xuan, QIN Jianning, YU Congbing, TAN Jinsong

(Wuxi University, Wuxi 214105, China)

Abstract: The intelligent and safe driving monitoring system is based on drink-driving monitoring module, driver behavior state monitoring module, intelligent wearable module and server terminal to realize the functions of system. The drink-driving monitoring module collects vehicle gas alcohol concentration information based on MQ-3 gas sensor. The driver behavior state monitoring module calculates the focusing degree of driver concentration in real time based on Dlib face recognition and OpenCV computer vision. The intelligent wearable module collects driver heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other indicators based on various embedded sensor chips. The server terminal is based on AliCloud ECS server, and it uses JAVA language programming to provide quality background service for mobile APP.

Keywords: safe driving; vehicle; sensor; Internet of Things; smart wearable device


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