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(河北省制图院,河北 石家庄 050031)

摘  要:CGCS2000 坐标系统是以参考椭球面为数学模型建立的,由于城市的地理位置和海拔高度千变万化,部分高海拔城市地面高度与参考椭球面存在较大差异,为使城市实地测量数据与CGCS2000 坐标系统保持相对一致,满足变形精度要求,需要建立其与国家CGCS2000 坐标系统相互联系的坐标系统。本文通过对投影变形和高程归化变形的特性及规律分析,探讨建立高海拔地区城市坐标系统的科学方法,为城市建设、工程施工提供技术依据。

关键词:数字城市;CGCS2000 坐标系;参考椭球面;平均高程面;抵偿高程面

中图分类号:P208;TP391.41       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0013-05

Discussion on the Method of Establishing Digital City Coordinate System in High Altitude Area

ZHANG Jianqiang,LIU Xiujun,SUN Limin,JIANG Yanhong,YUAN Yuexin

(Hebei Academy of Cartography,Shijiazhuang 050031,China)

Abstract:The CGCS2000 coordinate system is based on the reference ellipsoid established mathematical model,due to the city's geographical location and altitude difference part of the myriads of changes,the high altitude city ground height and the reference ellipsoid,in order to make the city field measurement data and CGCS2000 coordinate system to maintain relatively uniform deformation meet the accuracy requirements,the need to establish contact with each other the national CGCS2000 coordinate system coordinate system. Based on the analysis of the characteristics and laws of projection deformation and elevation domestication,this paper discusses the scientific method of establishing urban coordinate system in high altitude area,so as to provide technical basis for urban construction and engineering construction.

Keywords:digital city;CGCS2000 coordinate system;reference ellipsoid; average elevation surface;offset elevation surface


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作者简介:张建强(1970.12 -),男,河北柏乡人,本科, 高级工程师,注册测绘师。主要从事地理信息工程工作;刘秀军 (1969.09 -),女,河北武强人,硕士,正高级工程师,注册测 绘师。主要从事地理信息工程质量检验工作;孙利民(1967.08 -), 男,河北武强人,高级工程师。主要从事大地测量、工程测量等工 作;江彦红(1970.03 -),女,河北宁晋人,本科,高级工程师。 主要从事航空摄影测量工作。