摘 要:在生活中,人们将照片冲洗出来后,通常会把照片放入到相册中,以便更好地翻阅,而随着数码时代的到来,大多数人选择直接将照片保存在电脑或手机中,还可以上传到互联网中分享,在线相册就是一种用于保存图片的 Web 应用。文章从“在线相册”需求分析、功能实现、功能展示等几方面入手,采用 PHP 技术,同时结合 MySQL 数据库,实现了创建相册、上传图片、生成缩略图、添加水印、搜索,以及相册和图片的浏览等功能,极大地满足了广大摄影爱好者收集相册以及管理相册的个性化需求。
基金项目:山东华宇工学院 2021 年度校级教育教学改革项目:基于 OBE 教学理念的 Windows 系统管理课程教学改革研究(2021JG05)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0015-05
Design and Implementation of“Online Photo Album”Based on PHP+MySQL
ZHANG Rihua, LIU Tingting, CHEN Hongjuan
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)
Abstract: In daily life, after developing photos, people usually put them into photo albums for better browsing. With the advent of the digital era, most people choose to save photos directly on their computers or mobile phones, and they can also upload them to the Internet for sharing. Online photo albums are a Web application for saving photos. Starting with “online photo album” demand analysis, function implementation, function display, and other aspects, this paper uses PHP technology combined with MySQL database to achieve the functions of creating photo albums, uploading images, generating thumbnails, adding watermarks, searching, and browsing photo albums and images, greatly satisfying the personalized needs of photography enthusiasts to collect and manage photo albums.
Keywords: online photo album; PHP; MySQL
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