摘 要:基于 R 语言 Shiny 框架,搭建中文交互式在线可视化系统,实现对中文文本数据的初步处理与可视化分析。首先,介绍中文文本可视化理论与 Shiny 框架下交互式应用的搭建;其次,通过对用户需求进行分析,制定系统的设计目标和原则,提出系统功能与 Shiny 框架下交互式界面,并设计相关模块的实现。最后,进行总结,可知:系统能够进行文本分词、清洗与向量化等文本初步处理;同时,能够绘制基于词频、TF-IDF 的条形图,词云图以及基于时序、地理位置的动态图等图形。
关键词:文本可视化;系统设计;R 语言;Shiny
中图分类号:TP274;TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0024-04
Research on the Design of Chinese Text Visualization System Based on R-Shiny
GAN Yating, AN Jianye, MIAO Luxin
(Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China)
Abstract: Based on the R language Shiny framework, a Chinese interactive online visualization system has been built to realize the preliminary processing and visualization analysis of Chinese text data. Firstly, this paper introduces Chinese text visualization theory and the construction of interactive application under the Shiny framework. Secondly, through the analysis of user requirements, it formulates the design objectives and principles of the system, proposes the system functions and the interactive interface under the Shiny framework, and designs the implementation of related modules. Finally, it is concluded that the system can perform text segmentation, cleaning and vectorization and other preliminary text processing. At the same time, it can draw bar charts based on word frequency and TF-IDF, word cloud diagram, dynamic graphs based on time sequence and geographical location and other graphs.
Keywords: text visualization; system design; R language; Shiny
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