摘 要:本文全面分析了现代数字化时代发展情况下,机关电子文件档案数字化管理的利用现状,并且针对性地写明了其中存在的主要问题,有效地结合了当前数字化时代所拥有的新型观念、新思想与新技术,提出了一体化管理模式,并提出了明确的文件管理标准。
中图分类号:G276;TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0023-03
Analysis of Management and Utilization of Electronic Files and Archives in Digital Age
FENG Zhixia
(Shenzhen Document Service Center,Shenzhen 518000,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the present situation of the digital management of the electronic file archives in the modern digital era isanalyzed,and the main problems in the digital management of the electronic files are described,and the new ideas,new ideas and newtechnologies have been effectively combined with the current digital era,and the integrated management model is put forward. And putforward a clear standard of document management.
Keywords:organ electronic documents;digital management;file management
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