摘 要:微信公众平台具有使用便捷、开发简易和服务针对性强等特点,其为许多组织的多样化形象呈现和信息传播提供了新方式。本文基于微信公众平台,结合ASP.NET,jQuery Mobile 和数据库等知识背景,借助微信的功能来简化操作,从而实现图书馆座位的查询,预约,签到,取消预约等功能。
关键词:微信公众平台;座位管理系统;jQuery Mobile
中图分类号:G250.7;TP311.56 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0006-03
Library Seat Management System Based on WeChat Public Platform
LI Haonan,LIU Yali,TAO Shixu,LI Changshuai,WANG Qin
(School of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi 653100,China)
Abstract:WeChat public platform is characterized by convenience in use,simple in development and service targeted in service,which provides a new way for the diversified image presentation and information dissemination of numerous organizations. Based on the public platform of WeChat,combined with the knowledge background of ASP. NET,jQuery Mobile and database,this paper simplifies the operation with the help of the function of WeChat,thus realizing the functions of querying,booking,checking in and canceling the booking of Library seats.
Keywords:WeChat public platform;seat management system;jQuery Mobile
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