摘 要:伴随信息化的成熟,信息技术类专业的在线开放式实验室建设成为相关领域关注的重点,应用在线信息化手段来推进实验实践教学的改革,成为各高校开放实验室建设的重要内容之一。本文采用UML 系统分析工具,B/S 架构,SSH 框架构建了信息技术类在线开放式实验室管理系统,以使实验室管理更高效,实验内容更丰富,实验方式更开放,学习效果更理想。进而将其推广至其它专业领域,使其成为各高校开放实验室建设的有效工具。
关键词:SSH 框架;在线开放式实验室;系统分析
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0019-03
Analysis and Design of Information Technology Online Open Laboratory Management System Based on SSH Framework
LIU Lun,CHEN Fangming
(School of Science,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:With the maturity of information technology,the construction of online open laboratory for information technology majors has become the focus of attention in relevant fields. The application of online information technology to promote the reform of experimental practice teaching has become one of the important contents of the construction of open laboratory in colleges and universities. This paper uses UML system analysis tools,B/S architecture and SSH framework to construct an online open laboratory, which makes the laboratory management more efficient,enriches the experimental content,opens the experimental mode and achieves better learning effect. Further,it has been extended to other professional fields,and has become an effective tool for the construction open laboratories in universities.
Keywords:SSH framework;online open laboratory;system analysis
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作者简介:刘伦(1988-),男,助教,数学与信息科学实验 教学中心副主任,硕士,研究方向:企业信息化、ERP 及数据挖掘。