摘 要:全民阅读背景下,艺术类高职院校图书馆借助用户行为数据分析,有针对性地定制图书馆阅读服务推广策略,已成为当今图书馆转型与数字化发展的方向。本文针对上海工艺美术职业学院图书馆信息服务系统集成的用户行为数据,采用比较分析研究方法,对各项存储数据进行比对分析,为用户画像,并探索提升馆藏资源活跃度的方法。结合图书馆用户数据分析结果,制定系列具有针对性的阅读服务推广策略,拉近图书馆与用户间的距离,提高图书馆馆藏资利用率。
中图分类号:G252;G258.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0001-05
Analysis of Users’Behavior Data in the Libraries of Higher Vocational College inthe Big Data Era
——Take Shanghai Art and Design Academy as an Example
LIU Zhonghua,JIAO Jipeng
(Shanghai Art and Design Academy,Shanghai 201808,China)
Abstract:In the context of national reading,the library of art higher vocational colleges with the aid of user behavior data analysis has targeted and customized promotional strategies for library reading services,which has become the current direction of library transformation and digitization. Through the user behavior data integrated in the library information service system of Shanghai Art and Design Academy,through comparative analysis and research methods,the stored data is compared and analyzed,and the users are portrayed and explored to improve the activity of the collection resources. Based on the results of library user data analysis,a series of targeted reading service promotion strategies were formulated to narrow the distance between libraries and users and improve the utilization of library collection resources.
Keywords:big data;higher vocational college;user;data;library
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