摘 要:本文通过对数字化教学资源管理平台的架构进行分析,找出设计的难点,并提出设计原则。技术上利用和结合云内部通信简单安全通信模型(SSCMIC)、双机热备全冗余技术等相关技术对云系统架构进行改造,形成具有特色的云通信安全模型和级联与备用双向复制模式,解决可靠性、可扩展性以及并发性等技术架构方面的问题,从架构的角度解决大规模数据的弹性存储、海量多元数据的高效管理、云存储系统的安全等问题,提高云存储系统的性能、可靠性与安全性。
中图分类号:TP311.52;TP333 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0013-03
Architecture Design of Digital Teaching Resources Platform Based on Cloud Storage
(Quanzhou Institute of Technology,Jinjiang 362268,China)
Abstract:Through the analysis of the architecture of digital teaching resource management platform,the difficulties of design and design principles are found out. Technologically,the cloud system architecture is reformed by utilizing and combining the simple secure communication model for intra-cloud communication(SSCMIC)of cloud internal communication and the technology of dual hot standby full redundancy. The security model of cloud communication and the two-way replication mode of cascade and standby are formed to solve the technical architecture problems of reliability,scalability and concurrency. In order to improve the performance,reliability and security of cloud storage system,the flexible storage of large-scale data,efficient management of large-scale multivariate data and security of cloud storage system are solved from the perspective of architecture.
Keywords:cloud storage;SSCMIC;cloud system architecture
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作者简介:赵旭(1982-),女,蒙古族,吉林松原人,本科, 讲师,研究方向:系统架构设计。