摘 要:微分进化算法(DE)是一种快速高效的智能进化算法,本文对其算法做了简单的介绍,并针对高速铁路票价问题,引入并构建了双层规划模型。模型中高铁企业是领导者角色,出行乘客是跟随者角色,二者相互作用。上层模型从高铁企业收益最大化的角度出发,下层模型以各类出行方式的乘客广义出行费用相同为基础。针对该模型设定了一些参数,并介绍了如何应用微分进化算法对该模型进行求解,并对乘客福利及算法本身的优化工作做出了进一步设想。
中图分类号:TP301.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0020-03
Application of Differential Evolution Algorithms in Bi-level Programming Model of
High-speed Railway Ticket Price
(School of Traffic and Transportation,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
Abstract:Differential evolution (DE) is a fast and efficient intelligent evolutionary algorithm,and its algorithm is briefly introduced. Aiming at the problem of high-speed railway fare,a bi-level programming model is introduced and constructed. In the model,the high-speed railway enterprise is the leader role,and the traveling passenger is the follower role,which interact with each other. The upper model is based on maximizing the revenue of high-speed railway enterprises,and the lower model is based on the same generalized travel cost of passengers in different modes of travel. Some parameters are set for the model,and how to use differential evolution algorithm to solve the model is introduced. Further assumptions are made on passenger welfare and optimization of the algorithm itself.
Keywords:differential evolution algorithms;high-speed railway ticket price;bi-level programming model
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