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(浙江机电职业技术学院,浙江 杭州 310053)

摘  要:当前,三维仿真技术已是“第四次工业革命”研发的核心技术,成为分析、研究各种复杂系统的重要工具。国外已将其作为常用的规划设计和分析手段,运用到制造业、工程机械、航空航天等领域,而在国内,该技术的应用基本处于起步阶段。随着全球化经济竞争的日益激烈,国内制造业企业面临着转型或升级的问题,对企业来说,规划与设计一个直观、高效、科学、节能、安全的三维可视化评估方案尤其重要。因此,三维仿真关键技术的研究与应用具有很强的现实意义。


中图分类号:TP242.2;TP391.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0173-03

Research and Application of Key Technology of 3D Simulation Based on
Industrial Robot Production Line
ZHU Dongyong
(Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Hangzhou 310053,China)

Abstract:At present,3D simulation technology is the core technology of the “fourth industrial revolution”,which has become an important tool for analyzing and studying all kinds of complex systems. Abroad has been used as a common planning design and analysis tools,the use of manufacturing,engineering machinery,aerospace and other fields. In China,the application of this technology is still in the initial stage. With the increasingly fierce competition in the global economy,the domestic manufacturing enterprises are facing the problem of transformation or upgrading,for enterprises,planning and designing an intuitive,efficient,scientific,energy-saving and safe three-dimensional visualization evaluation scheme is particularly important. Therefore,the research and application of key technologies of three-dimensional simulation has a strong practical significance.

Keywords:3D simulation;robot production line;industry 4.0


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