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(福建古雷石化有限公司,福建 漳州 363216)

摘  要:石化工业是一种典型的过程工业,同时也是维持国民经济的重要型支柱产业。本文主要阐述了当前智能工厂的基本特点以及发展的基础条件,并深入探究了石化企业智能工厂建设的主要策略,结合典型的石化智能工厂建设实例,进一步论述推进智能工厂建设的先进管理经验和技术。


中图分类号:TP391.9         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0085-02

Exploration of Intelligent Process of Traditional Petrochemical Enterprises Based on
Intelligent Factory Construction
SHANG Junhai
(Fujian Gulei Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Zhangzhou 363216,China)

Abstract:Petrochemical industry is a typical process industry,but also an important pillar industry to maintain the national economy. This paper mainly elaborates the basic characteristics and development conditions of the current intelligent factory,deeply explores the main strategies of the construction of the intelligent factory in petrochemical enterprises,and further discusses the advanced management experience and technology of promoting the construction of the intelligent factory in combination with typical examples of the construction of the intelligent factory in petrochemical enterprises.

Keywords:intelligent factory;traditional petrochemical enterprise;intelligent process


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