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(南京工业大学浦江学院,江苏 南京 211200)

摘  要:信息时代的快速发展,使得我国产业经济发展越来越好,在工程建设中,远程监控系统的应用发展迅速。工程机械设备造价高,工程建设单位一般采用租赁或者分期的形式获得其使用权,因此,在使用过程中工程建设单位应对这些设备进行严格的监管,防止其损坏。但是对这些设备进行实时监控存在很大难度,为了解决这一难题,工程建设单位在工程建设中引进了远程监控系统,其能够准确传递和保存实时信息,给工程机械的使用提供安全保障。本文就大数据发展背景下工程机械远程监控系统展开探讨,以供相关研究参考。


中图分类号:TP277;TU603        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0178-02

Research on Remote Monitoring Technology of Construction Machinery in the Background of Big Data

ZHU Jian,WANG Yupeng,WU Jinwen,WU Shibin

(Nanjing Technology University Pujiang Institute,Nanjing 211200,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of information age,the development of industrial economy in China is getting better and better. In the construction of engineering,the application of remote monitoring system develops rapidly. Construction machinery and equipment cost is high, and construction units usually use lease or phased form to obtain their right to use. Therefore,in the use process,construction units should strictly supervise these equipment to prevent its damage. But it is very difficult to monitor these equipments in real time. In order to solve this problem,remote monitoring system has been introduced into engineering construction by engineering construction units,which can accurately transmit and save real-time information and provide safety guarantee for the use of construction machinery. This paper discusses the remote monitoring system of construction machinery under the background of big data development for reference.

Keywords:big data;construction machinery;remote monitoring


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作者简介:诸剑(1986.11-),男,汉族,江苏人,研究生, 研究方向:机电一体化。