摘 要:针对带齿顶修缘的齿轮加工中近似参数修缘滚刀的挑选效率低,以及在机床滚切零件验证刀具是否合适时齿轮毛坯浪费大等问题,本文基于AutoLISP 语言,在AutoCAD 环境下,绘制出范成法齿轮齿形,通过测量图形齿顶修缘值验证刀具是否符合加工零件参数要求,极大地提高了效率,减少了材料浪费。
中图分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0163-03
Verification of Trimming Parameter of Involute Gear Hob Based on AutoLISP
(Information Department of Shanxi Changkong Gear Co.,Ltd.,Hanzhong 723102,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the inefficiency of selecting approximate parameter trimming hob in gear machining with tooth top trimmingedge and the waste of gear blank in machine tool hobbing parts to verify the appropriateness of the cutter,this paper draws the normal geartooth profile based on AutoLISP and AutoCAD. By measuring the value of tooth top trimming edge to verify whether the cutter meets therequirements of machining parameters,the efficiency is greatly improved and the material waste is reduced.
Keywords:parameter validation;AutoLISP;trimming gear hob
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