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(湖南外贸职业学院 电子商务学院,湖南 长沙 410201)

摘  要:与先进信息技术的深度融合是当代制造业升级“智造”的关键,高职教育界在培养适应产业发展需求的高级技能型人才时面临着人才质量滞后于转型升级的需要、学科课程体系不相匹配、校企合作不深入和师资力量薄弱等诸多问题。本文从融入现代信息技术、重构课程体系、完善现代学徒制、校企联合构建人才培养体系和敞开校门强化“双师型”教师队伍建设等方面提出了有益对策。中国制造2025;信息技术;高职教育

中图分类号:G642.0;U468.2-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0170-02

The Research of Software and Information Specialties in Higher Vocational CollegesDocking Modern Manufacturing to Promote the Industry Upgrading to“Intelligent Manufacturing”

LI Yang

(Department of Electronic Commerce,Hunan International Business Vocational College,Changsha 410201,China)

Abstract:The deep integration with advanced information technology is crucial for the upgrading of the modern manufacturingto the intelligent manufacturing,the vocational education community is faced with many problems such as the quality of talentslagging behind the need for transformation and upgrading of the industry,discipline curriculum system mismatching the industry,school cooperating with enterprise insufficiently and weak teacher resources in the process of training highly skilled talents adaptingto the demands of the manufacturing development. This paper puts forward some beneficial countermeasures from the aspects ofintegrating modern information technology,reconstructing curriculum system,perfecting modern apprenticeship,building apersonnel training system jointly between schools and enterprises,and opening school doors to strengthen the construction of“double-qualified” teachers.

Keywords:Made in China 2025;information technology;vocational education


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作者简介:李洋(1974-),男,湖南长沙人,硕士,副教授,系统分析师,中国系统分析员协会(CSAI)专业顾问研究方向:IT 技术、职业教育。