摘 要:本文基于机器视觉触摸屏在线监测的需求,设计了一款C 口接口的大倍率物方远心镜头。该镜头包括9 个玻璃镜片和一组胶合棱镜,通过适当的玻璃组合和像差平衡,该镜头具有4 倍的放大倍率,65mm 物方工作距,39.68mm 的像方工作距,225mm 的共轭距离,0.1 度的远心角和0.3% 的畸变,在166lp/mm 具有优于0.4 的MTF 对比度,并带有同轴光接口,满足机 器视觉的项目需求。公差分析表明该镜头具有良好的公差兼容性,可以进行大规模量产。
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0141-04
Design of Telecentric Lens for High Power and High Resolution Machine Vision
(Shanghai Freesense Image Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201206,China)
Abstract:This paper based on the requirement of on-line monitoring of machine vision touch screen,a high-power telecentric lens withC port interface is designed. The lens consists of 9 glass lenses and a group of glued prisms. Through proper glass combination and aberrationbalance,the lens has four times magnification,65mm object work distance,39.68mm image work distance,225mm conjugate distance,0.1 degree telecentric angle and 0.3% distortion. The MTF contrast of 166lp/mm is better than 0.4 and has a coaxial optical interface to meet theproject requirements of machine vision. Tolerance analysis shows that the lens has good tolerance compatibility and can be mass produced.
Keywords:machine vision;telecentric lens;ZEMAX;optical design;MTF;distortion;tolerance analysis
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