摘 要:锡钎焊是通信行业器件焊接的主要连接方式,为了保证焊接的可焊性,焊料需增加助焊剂,助焊剂在焊接过程中易挥发产生有害烟雾。通信器件焊接多在室内操作,所以需增加一个排烟系统,净化室内空气,改善作业环境。本文提出一种新型的移动式即时排烟系统。
中图分类号:TU834 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0142-03
Optimization of Mobile Smoke Exhaust System for Tin Brazing
DU Yanwei,LIAO Keshu,WANG Pugang
(Comba Telecom Systems (China) Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:Tin brazing is the main connection method for device soldering in the communication industry. In order to ensure the solderability ,flux needs to be added. However,flux is volatile during the soldering process and will produce harmful fumes.Meanwhile,communication device soldering is usually done indoors,so it is necessary to add a smoke exhaust system to purify the indoor air and improve the working environment. This paper proposes a new type of mobile real-time exhaust system.
Keywords:tin brazing;smoke exhaust system;mobile
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