摘 要:以两圆柱体相贯线的绘制为例,概述了传统机械制图中相贯线作图方法的一般步骤,并通过实例进行了作图演示,对运用计算机绘图软件 AutoCAD 快速绘制相贯线的方法与技巧进行了研究探讨,提出了四种运用 AutoCAD 软件便捷绘制相贯线的作图方法,并就绘图步骤进行了详细论述。通过对比发现,AutoCAD 软件在绘制相贯线方面更为方便适用。解决了长期以来相贯线绘图难的问题,增强了同学们计算机绘图的兴趣与能力,对同学们绘制其他类型的相贯线具有十分重要的借鉴意义。
中图分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0145-03
Several Methods and Skills for Drawing Intersecting Lines with AutoCAD Software
LUO Zhe,LIU Jianfeng,GU Xiaomeng
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Engineering,Yongzhou 425199,China)
Abstract:Taking the drawing of intersecting line of two cylinders as an example,this paper summarizes the general steps of the drawing method of intersecting line in traditional mechanical drawing,demonstrates the drawing through examples,and studies the methods and skills of drawing intersecting line quickly by using the computer drawing software AutoCAD,and proposes four methods of drawing intersecting lines with AutoCAD software,and discussing this in detail. Through comparison,it is found that AutoCAD software is more convenient and applicable in drawing intersecting lines. The problem of intersecting line drawing has been solved for a long time,enhanced the interest and ability of students in computer graphics,It is of great significance to draw other intersecting lines for students.
Keywords:computer graphics;machinery drawing;AutoCAD;intersecting lines
基金项目:教育部首批“新工科”研究与实践项目(教高厅函〔2018〕17 号);湖南省普通高等学校“十三五”专业综合改革试点项目(湘教通〔2016〕276 号);湖南省普通高校校企合作创新创业教育基地项目(湘教通〔2016〕436 号)
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刘剑锋(1985 -),男,汉族,湖南永州人,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:机械结构设计;