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(阳春新钢铁有限责任公司,广东 江阳 529629)

摘  要:文章以某钢铁企业为背景,详细阐述了钢铁企业构建能源管控系统的过程。笔者根据钢厂实际生产设备和工艺环境,选用工业实时数据库,并结合工业数据采集网关实现了数据采集;同时打通了 IT 和 OT 网络,实现硬件网络隔离,最小化现场自动化改造,合理保护该钢厂既有投资;实现了一套覆盖能源集中控制、能源生产调度到基础能源管理的能源管控系统,并取得良好的应用效果。



中图分类号:TP315                                     文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0145-05

Construction and Application of Smart Energy Management-Control System Based on Industrial Real-time Database

DING Zhijun

(Yangchun New Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,Jiangyang 529629,China)

Abstract:Taking an iron and steel enterprise as the background,this paper expounds in detail the process of building energy management-control system in iron and steel enterprises. According to the actual production equipment and process environment of the steel plants,the author uses industrial real-time database and combined with the industrial data acquisition gateway to realize data acquisition. At the same time,IT and OT networks are opened up to realize hardware network isolation,minimizes on-site automation transformation,and reasonably protects the existing investment of the steel plant;it realizes a set of energy managementcontrol system covering centralized energy control,energy production scheduling and basic energy management,and achieves good application results.

Keywords:real-time database;energy management-control system;industrial data acquisition


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作者简介:丁治军(1984—),男,汉族,湖南常德人,工程 师(软件设计师),硕士研究生,研究方向:企业信息化、物联网 应用和智能制造。