摘 要:宝鸡市烟草公司在异型烟的分拣、包装和配送环节信息化程度较低,已不适应现代烟草物流业的发展。该文结合分拣设备改造对异型烟周转筐智能化管理模式进行研究,在异型烟物流配送环节应用物联网技术实现全面感知和智能处理,形成以二维码为核心感知手段,覆盖包装、发货、配送的周转筐全周期智能管理模式。新的模式,不仅实现了管理的智能化,也提高了异型烟的配送效率。
Research on Intelligent Logistics Management Mode of Special Shaped Tobacco Turnover Basket
PU Bo1 ,ZHANG Xing1 ,WANG Xifeng2 ,ZHANG Xiaodong1
(1.Baoji Branch of Shaanxi Tobacco Company,Baoji 721004,Chian;2.School of Computer,Baoji University of Arts & Sciences, Baoji 721016,China)
Abstract:Baoji tobacco company has a low degree of informatization in the sorting,packaging and distribution of special shaped tobacco,which can not adapt to the development of modern tobacco logistics industry. Combined with the transformation of sorting equipment,this paper studies the intelligent management mode of special shaped tobacco turnover basket,applies the internet of things technology to realize comprehensive perception and intelligent processing in the logistics and distribution links of special shaped tobacco, and forms a turnover basket full cycle intelligent management mode with QR code as the core perception means,covering packaging, delivery and distribution. The new model not only realizes the intellectualization of management,but also improves the distribution efficiency of special shaped cigarettes.
Keywords:special shaped tobacco;turnover basket;intellectualizationt;QR code;tobacco logistics
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作者简介:蒲波(1977—),男,汉族,陕西宝鸡人,中级经 济师,硕士研究生,研究方向:烟草物流信息化和烟草经济管理。