摘 要:随着大数据时代的到来,数字化转型无疑是所有企业都要面临的技术和管理变革。选煤厂作为煤矿主运生产系统和装车外运的中间生产环节,是解决能源供应安全与煤炭资源低碳高效利用的重要保障,鉴于选煤行业自身的特点和数据分析需求,对适合选煤厂数据分析应用的总体架构进行研究,以“用”为核心,形成测、传、控、用的整体建设思路。并根据数据分析项目的项目管理经验,提出了一条完整的技术路线,通过项目建设实践,神东某选煤厂的数据分析应用取得了良好的建设效果。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0151-05
Design and Practice of Data Analysis Application Architecture in Coal Preparation Plant
WANG Anjia
(China Energy Shendong Coal Preparation Center, Yulin 719315, China)
Abstract: With the advent of the era of big data, digital transformation is undoubtedly a technological and management change that all enterprises must face. As the intermediate production link of the main transportation production system and loading and outward transportation of coal mine, the coal preparation plant is an important guarantee to realize the safety of energy supply and the low-carbon and efficient utilization of coal resources. In view of the characteristics and data analysis needs of the coal preparation industry, the overall framework suitable for the data analysis and application of the coal preparation plant is studied, with “use” as the core to form the overall construction idea of the measurement, transmission, control and use. According to the project management experience of the data analysis project, a complete technical route is put forward. Through the project construction practice, the data analysis and application of a coal preparation plant in Shendong has achieved good construction results.
Keywords: digital transformation; architecture; project management
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