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(1. 山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034;2. 西南大学,重庆 400715)

摘  要:为解决织布企业棉布分品种百米布用纱量计算不准和统计工作效率较低的难题,文章详细介绍了自主研发的棉布百米用纱计算系统的设计原理和计算过程,同时阐述了一种棉纱可用于生产多种棉布、一种棉布又可能使用多种棉纱的情况下,通过设置和维护用纱参数、录入棉布产量、工序盘存、投入原料数据,可以自动计算出各品种棉布百米用纱数据的系统。实践表明,该系统计算的棉布百米用纱数据准确可靠,可为公司生产经营提供及时准确的棉布用纱数据。



基金项目:2019 年度山东省社会科学规划 研究项目(19CPYJ11);2022 年度智慧物流与 供应链研究中心研究成果(2022HYWL07)

中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码: A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0162-05

Design and Research on Accurate Statistics Application for Yarns Consumption Per 100 Meters of Cotton Fabrics

SUN Chengwei 1 , XU Huiqing1 , JING Lingxiao2 , ZHANG Tonghua 2

(1.Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China; 2.Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of inaccurate calculation and low statistical work efficiency of yarns consumption per 100 meters in different varieties of cotton fabrics in textile enterprises, this paper introduces amply a design principle and calculation process of the calculation system for yarns consumption per 100 meters of cotton fabrics. At the same time, this paper expounds a system that a kind of cotton yarn can be used to produce a variety of cotton cloth and a kind of cotton cloth may also can use a variety of cotton yarn, by setting and maintaining used yarn parameters, inputting cotton production, inventorying and inputting raw material data, the system could automatically calculate the data of yarns consumption per 100 meters in different varieties of cotton fabrics. Practice shows that the data of yarns consumption per 100 meters of cotton fabrics calculated by the system is accurate and reliable, which can provide timely and accurate cotton yarn data for the company’s production and operation.

Keywords: textile enterprise; yarns consumption per 100 meters; inventory calculation; raw material allocation


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