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Autodesk Inventor 曲面造型中放样特征的研究
(普洱市职业教育中心,云南 普洱 665000)

摘  要:Autodesk Inventor 软件具有强大的三维造型能力,该软件为设计者提供了一个自由的环境,使得二维设计能够顺畅地转为三维设计环境,其中,曲面造型在工业产品设计行业的地位越来越重要。文章以电吹风的轮廓绘制方法为例,对放样特征在曲面造型中的作用进行了分析和探究,进一步对放样特征进行了说明,减少设计过程中的重复工作,从而有效提高了曲面造型的绘图效率。

关键词:Inventor 软件;曲面造型;三维曲线;放样


中图分类号:TP391.9                                     文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0138-04

Study on Lofting Features in Autodesk Inventor Curved Surface Modeling


(Pu’ er City Vocational Education Center, Puer 665000, China)

Abstract: Autodesk Inventor software has powerful 3D modeling capability, which provides a free environment for designers, so that 2D design can smoothly turn into 3D design environment, among which, curved surface modeling is becoming more and more important in the industrial product design industry. Taking the contour drawing method of hairdryer as an example, this paper analyzes and explores the role of lofting features in curved surface modeling, further explains the lofting features, reduces the repeated work in the design process, and thus effectively improve the drawing efficiency of curved surface modeling.

Keywords: Inventor software; curved surface modeling; 3D curve; lofting


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作者简介:赵珊(1984—),女,哈尼族,云南普洱人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:计算机及应用。