摘 要:本文基于一般设计流程进行家用3D 食品打印产品设计,通过用户研究建立用户角色模型,获取目标用户产品痛点、需求与期望,分析产品功能设计,建立产品功能系统,在此基础上进行草图绘制与方案设计,以此进行家用3D 食品打印产品设计研究。研究表明,家用3D 食品打印机产品设计能够改善吞咽障碍用户生活饮食,帮助用户提高生活质量。
关键词:3D 打印;食品加工;产品设计
中图分类号:TP334.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0188-02
Design Research of Household 3D Food Printer
LIU Peng
(China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221000,China)
Abstract:This article is based on the general design process of home 3D food printing product design. Through the user research,the user role model is established,the target user's product pain point,the demand and expectation are obtained,the product functiondesign is analyzed and the product functional system is established. On this basis,the sketch drawing and the scheme design are carried outto carry out the research of the household 3D food printing product design. Research shows that the design of household 3D food printerscan improve users with swallowing disorders to live and eat,and help users improve their quality of life.
Keywords:3D print;food processing;product design
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