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基于 MES 的机械加工精益化管理研究
(1. 湖南湘电动力有限公司,湖南 湘潭 411101;2. 武汉佰思杰科技有限公司,湖北 武汉 430074)

摘  要:分析了当前制造执行系统在军工企业中的作用,对基于单件小批量多品种生产模式下的机械加工车间如何利用制造执行系统实现精益化管理进行了研究。并依托车间制造执行系统建立一套既满足产品个性化生产需求,又能进行标准化生产,且生产方式模块化的精益管理理念,从而推动军工企业的机械加工业务稳定向前发展,成为解决机械加工业升级问题关键点和突破点。



中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0159-05

Research on Lean Management of Machining Based on MES

XIE Jianzhang, CAO Ziang, DENG Bin, YANG Bo

(1.Hunan Xiangdian Power Co., Ltd., Xiangtan 411101, China; 2.Wuhan BSG Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: This paper analyzes the role of the current MES in military enterprises, and studies how to use MES to realize lean management in machining workshop based on single piece small batch multi variety production mode. And relying on the workshop MES, a set of lean management concepts that can not only meet the personalized production needs of products, but also carry out standardized production, and the production mode is modular, so as to promote the stable development of the machining business of military enterprises, and become the key point and breakthrough point to solve the problem of upgrading the machining industry.

Keywords: machining; workshop MES; lean


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