摘 要:随着信息技术的进步,传感器和智能处理技术能够为人们提供有效的辅助信息。在驾驶汽车的过程中,由于后视镜存在视野上的盲区,在行驶过程中司机转向时需要做出谨慎的判断,否则就会有安全问题。为了司机的驾驶安全考虑,设计制作了基于超声波的汽车盲区检测系统,当需要转向时利用超声波对行驶中汽车的盲区进行检测,如果发现车辆侧方的盲区有车辆,可以立即发出声光的提醒,为驾驶员的安全驾驶提供可靠的参照。
中图分类号:TP368 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0168-04
Automobile Blind Spot Detection Based on Ultrasound Wave
MENG Yinkuo, LIU Jiangtao, GONG Youxiang, GE Sichong, WANG Lihong
(School of Electronic Information Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: With the progress of information technology, sensors and intelligent processing technology provide people effective ancillary information. In the process of driving, since the blind spot in the field of rearview mirror, the driver need to make a decision carefully when turning, otherwise there will be safety problem. In view of the safety driving, this paper designs and products an automobile blind spot detection system based on ultrasound. When the driver needs to turn, it uses ultrasound to detect the blind spot for the driving automobile. If there is an automobile in the blind spot of the side of it, it can immediately issue sound and light warning to provide a reliable reference for the driver's safe driving.
Keywords: ultrasound; sensor; Single-Chip Microcomputer
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