摘 要:随着高校的扩建,校园安全已成为校园管理工作中的重要问题。现有的大部分门禁系统仅记录各类人员出入校园的时间信息,信息数量大,且未进行有效利用。校园安全工作要稳定有效地持续进行,则需要利用计算机平台,将过去的人工管理方式逐步转变为基于大数据和机器学习的智能化的管理、决策方式。本文基于机器学习,对校园安全门禁系统方法的选择和系统的现实意义进行了探讨,以期为相关系统分析与设计提供参考。
中图分类号:TP181 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0160-02
Research on the Application of Machine Learning inCampus Security Access Control System
JIANG Na,YANG Haiyan,HUANG Jiya,GU Qingchuan
(School of Physics and Information Engineering,Zhaotong University,Zhaotong 657000,China)
Abstract:With the expansion of colleges and universities,the work of the campus public security has been an important problem in campus management. Most of the existing access control systems only record the time information of person who entered and leaved the campus. The amount of information is large,but it is not effectively used. In order to carry out campus security work steadily and effectively, it is necessary to use computer platform to gradually transform the past manual management mode into intelligent management and decisionmaking mode based on large data and machine learning. Based on machine learning,this paper discusses the selection of methods and practical significance of campus security access control system,in order to provide reference for the analysis and design of related systems.
Keywords:campus security;machine learning;access control system;learning model
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