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(上海儿童医学中心,上海 200127)

摘  要:儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病等血液病种类繁多,且易出现反复性贫血、出血、感染等不可预期的情况,严重可导致休克及死亡。上海儿童医学中心每年承接近 5 700 名儿童血液病患者,超过全国儿童血液病患者的 1/3,白血病早期预警系统的智能化建设可为医生提前介入提供依据。运用儿童早期预警评分 PEWS,对病区(42 张床位)进行测试,证实发现该方法可提供至少 11 小时的预警,需 381 min。同时,该方案用通过物联及 CNNS 卷积神经网络深度学习的手段实现 PEWS 实时计算。

关键词:儿童早期预警评分;白血病;物联技术;CNNS 神经网络;深度学习


中图分类号:TP18;R-331                               文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0119-05

Construction and Application of Intelligent Early Warning System for Children with Hematological Diseases

FENG Jiayi, LIU Liping, ZHOU Fen, SHEN Nanping

(Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai 200127, China)

Abstract: There are many kinds of blood diseases such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, and they are prone to unpredictable situations such as recurrent anemia, bleeding and infection, which can seriously lead to shock and death. Shanghai Children's Medical Center accepts nearly 5 700 children with hematological diseases every year, more than 1/3 of the national children with hematological diseases. The intelligent construction of the early warning system for leukemia can provide a basis for doctors to intervene in advance. Using the Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS), testing of the ward (42 beds) confirmed that the method can provide at least 11 hours of early warning, which takes 381 minutes. At the same time, the scheme realizes the real-time calculation of PEWS by means of deep learning of IOT and CNNs convolutional neural network.

Keywords: PEWS; leukemia; IOT technology; CNNS neural network; deep learning


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