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基于MATLAB 状态流的低频减载过程仿真
(国网河南省电力公司检修公司,河南 郑州 450006)

摘  要:在电力市场化的今天,电能质量问题已经是供电企业必须面对的问题。当电力系统频率降低时,会威胁电网的安全运行,此时不得不利用低频减载装置切除部分负荷,以使系统频率恢复到可以安全运行的水平以内。由此可见,低频减载装置的动作正确与否直接关系到电网的安全稳定运行。在MATLAB/Simulink 平台下,应用电力系统模块(PSB)和状态流(Stateflow),搭建了低频减载的仿真模型,针对单机及互联系统的低频减载过程进行仿真并分析。其中,利用状态流对电力系统仿真是在以前的科学研究中没有用到的,课题验证了状态流的逻辑动作性对电力系统仿真的有效性。

中图分类号:TP391.9;TM743        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0035-05

Simulation of Load Shedding Process at Low Frequency Based on State Flow of MATLAB

HU Runge,LI Lu,QU Xin,WU Xibo,MIAO Yanan

(State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Maintenance Company,Zhengzhou 450006,China)

Abstract:In today’s electricity market,power quality problem has become a problem that power supply enterprises must face. When the frequency of power system decreases,it threatens the security of power grid operation. At this time,the low frequency load shedding device has to be used to remove part of the load,so that the frequency of the system can be restored to the level of safe operation. Therefore,the correct operation of the low frequency load shedding device is directly related to the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Under the platform of MATLAB/Simulink,the simulation model of low frequency load shedding is built by using power system module (PSB) and Stateflow. The process of low frequency load shedding of single machine and interconnected system is simulated and analyzed. Among them,the simulation of power system using Stateflow is not used in previous scientific research. The subject verifies the validity of the logical action of Stateflow for power system simulation.

Keywords:MATLAB;stateflow;low frequency load shedding;simulation


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