摘 要:本文介绍了多功能厅智能控制系统的设计原理,设计了各部分的具体设备。通过对硬件和软件的设计进行说明,介绍了各部分的设计要点。本文还重点介绍了中央控制主机控制系统,以及控制系统的控制设计,并对控制设计进行了详细的描述。
中图分类号:TP311.52;TP273.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0040-03
Design of Intelligent Control System for Multifunctional Hall
ZHAO Liguang
(National Radio and Television Administration 951 Station,Shijiazhuang 050407,China)
Abstract:This paper introduces the design principle of intelligent control system for multi-function hall,and designs the specific equipment of each part. Through explaining the design of hardware and software,the design points of each part are introduced. This paper also focuses on the central control host control system,introduces the control design of the control system,and describes the control design in detail.
Keywords:multi-function hall;intelligent control;one-key control
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作者简介:赵利广(1988.07-),男,河北灵寿人,汉族, 助理工程师,本科,研究方向:信息化。