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高中信息技术Arduino 呼吸灯实验教学探讨
(广州市天河外国语学校,广东 广州 510267)

摘  要:近年来,中国的智能电子控制系统行业发展越来越迅猛,各种智能控制产品更是深入到生活中的每一个细节。由此可见,当今社会对于能够掌握智能控制技术的人才也是求贤若渴。通用技术在高中阶段的普及也表明了国家对于从小培养学生的创造性思维的巨大决心。本课程先是明确了课程的意义以及电子控制系统的理论基础,然后通过小组式学习Arduino 呼吸灯实验的方式,让学生能够把理论与实践相结合,从而更好地学习并领会电子控制技术,并且也锻炼了学生的小组合作探究能力及个人的动手能力,大大开发了学生的创造性思维。

关键词:电子控制技术;Arduino 控制教学方法;智能控制技术

中图分类号:G633.67         文献标识码:A            文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0039-03

Exploration of Arduino Respiratory Lamp Experiment Teaching in
Senior High School Information Technology
GUAN Mengxun
(Guangzhou Tianhe Foreign Language School,Guangzhou 510267,China)

Abstract:In recent years,China’s intelligent electronic control system industry has developed more and more rapidly,and various intelligent control products have penetrated into every detail of life. Thus,today’s society is also thirsty for talents who can master intelligent control technology. The popularization of general technology in senior high school also demonstrates the great determination of the state to cultivate students’creative thinking from an early age. This course first clarifies the significance of the course and the theoretical basis of the electronic control system. Then,through group learning of Arduino breathing lamp experiment,students can combine theory with practice,so as to better learn and understand the electronic control technology,and also exercise the team’s ability to explore cooperation and personal hands-on ability,greatly developing their creative thinking.

Keywords:electronic control technology;Arduino control teaching method;intelligent control technology


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